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Nasco Ready-or-Not Tot Basic Instruction Manual

Made by: Nasco
Type: Instruction Manual
Category: Indoor Furnishing
Pages: 11
Size: 1.07 MB


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NP 068_97_Basic/RV1_14.indd   1

1/8/14   3:28 PM

Ready-Or-Not-Tot Basic • WA32125 • enasco.com/fcs

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Parenting is Forever…

Having a baby and being a parent is a wonderful thing. We do not discourage 

that. The issue is at what point in your life do you want to become a parent? 

How would having a baby now affect your short and long term goals? How does 

becoming a teen parent alter your opportunities for furthering your education 

and fulfilling your career dreams? What about your social and emotional life? 

Would the time commitment involved in caring for a child change your growth 

and development as a person and affect your friendships? Do you want to be 

connected to your current partner for the rest of your life? What does it cost to 

care for a child during the first year? For 18 years? How would you support a 

child? A parenting simulation raises all these questions and more.

No matter what the educational philosophy of your program (abstinence only 

or educating teens to prepare for safe sex), the Nasco teen pregnancy simula-

tors will be of great assistance. These hands-on tools help teens experience the 

frustration and appreciate the patience required when caring for an infant. What-

ever your budget, we offer a full range of simulators to help bring your program 

to life.

Ready-or-Not Tot


 Tending Log

Name _________________________________ 


Teacher _________________________________

Class _________________________________ 


Date __________________      Page _________





What was I doing?

How was I feeling at the time?

2:30 pm

1st cry

Taking a math test.

I needed to concentrate on test.

6:30 pm

240 minutes

Just finished dinner.

I got out of dishes; it’s fun. 

9:30 pm

180 minutes


Frustrated. I need to sleep. Be quiet baby.

Enter your times and information below:

1st cry

*Each tending period lasts approximately 10 minutes and starts and stops with a cry. Record the time of the first cry only.

Other Comments (continue on back if more space is needed): 

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1/8/14   3:28 PM

Ready-Or-Not-Tot Basic • WA32125 • enasco.com/fcs

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Basic Ready-or-Not Tot


Used to Teach Many Parenting Concepts:

• How to quiet and comfort a real baby.
• How a baby should be held and diapered
• A baby’s needs can be costly.
• What it takes to be a good parent.
• Babies cry for many reasons.
• Babies require constant care and attention.
• A baby means lifestyle changes that can cause loneliness, isolation, and affect friendships and 

family relations.

• Day care and babysitting are a normal part of parenting, but not always available or affordable.


Parenting is work! It requires a great deal of time and energy. The 
demands of caring for a baby keep a parent on duty 24 hours a 
day, seven days a week. Though the responsibilities of parenting 
are great, there are many rewards as well. The Ready-or-Not Tot



Manikin is the first interactive parenting manikin to simulate both the 
negative and positive aspects of caring for a baby!

Basic Ready-or-Not Tot


 teaches students how demanding babies can 

be throughout the day and night. The manikin cries at random intervals, 
requiring action from the student parent in order to quiet the manikin.

This “baby” is an excellent replacement for the “egg baby,” “flour sack 
baby,” and the “plant baby,” since it requires action during the middle of 
the night. Simpler to use than the full-featured manikins, Basic Ready-or-Not 


 provides an easy method to give students the opportunity to experience 

the ongoing demands of parenting.

Basic Ready-or-Not Tot


 is also a great way to teach proper baby handling 

and care. The manikin is 20" long and has newborn features. Students can 
practice diapering, dressing, and holding a baby. It is important that you 
thoroughly understand this instruction book before presenting Ready-or-Not 


 to your students. We recommend that the instructor practice with the 

manikin to become familiar with its operations.

NOTE: The Ready-or-Not Tot


 is an educational tool and not a toy. It is 

intended for use by children over 12 years of age.



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Ready-Or-Not-Tot Basic • WA32125 • enasco.com/fcs

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Figure 1

Figure 4

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 5





-Not T



 requires tending and will cry at various intervals. When the manikin cries, pres

the “Quiet” button on the control box. The manikin will cry again in 10 minutes to simulate a short 

“tending” or care time. P

ush the “Quiet” button again and the mankin will go to sleep.

To graph your time on the chart above, list the time that the manikin was turned on at the line marked 

“Starting P

oint.” Then, chart the first cry in each tending cycle and write the time when the “Quiet” 

button was pushed. Each line equals one hour

. Do not mark chart at the end of the tending cycle.




Starting Point

Starting Point

Starting Point

Name _________________________




The control box is powered by three "AA" alkaline 

Be careful when replacing the batteries 

to avoid damage to the control box. To insert the 
batteries, remove the control box from the manikin 
(Figure 1). With the control box removed, find the 
battery compartment door located on the back of 
the control box. Use a small screwdriver to remove 
the back (Figure 2). Install batteries, making sure the 
batteries are positioned correctly. Replace battery 
door (Figure 3) and reinsert control box into the 

When inserting the control box into the 

cavity in the back of the manikin, position the 

box so it touches the bottom of the cavity 

(Figure 4) — this will make it easier to remove the 
box from the top when necessary. If the unit is not 
going to be used for several days, the batteries 
should be removed. Store the Ready-or-Not Tot



without the batteries inserted.

Turning the Manikin On

Once the batteries have been installed, the manikin 
can be turned on. The on/off switch is hidden so 
students cannot turn the manikin off. 

Do not show 

students the location of the on/off switch. The hidden 
switch is designed to prevent students from shutting 
down the unit instead of completing the project.
To turn the manikin on, press the spot on the box 
marked “Nasco” and hold for two seconds (Figure 5). 
The power light will blink red and the manikin will cry. 
You will need to press the “quiet” button to stop the 
crying. The manikin will cry again 10 minutes later 
and you will need to press the “Quiet” button. To turn 
off, simply press the “Nasco” spot and hold for two 
to three seconds. When the power light is blinking, 
the manikin is set and will cry for the first time in 
each 10-minute tending period at approximately the 
following times:

Cry 1:

  70 minutes (first cry after manikin is turned on)

Cry 2:

  230 minutes

Cry 3:

  90 minutes

Cry 4:

  140 minutes

The schedule then repeats at 230-minute, 90-minute, and 140-minute 
intervals. There can be some flexibility in this schedule depending on when 
the student responds to the cry. Remember, the first cry will happen before 
you give the manikin to the student. The first time it cries for the student will 
be 10 minutes from when you turn it on and it will only have that one cry in 
the first tending period.

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Ready-Or-Not-Tot Basic • WA32125 • enasco.com/fcs

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Before Giving the Manikin to Student

Insert fresh or fully charged batteries in the control box. 

NOTE: Even rechargeable batteries loose 

their ability to hold a charge after awhile. 

It is strongly recommended that high quality alkaline 

batteries (or fully charged batteries, if using rechargeable batteries) are placed in the unit at 

the beginning of every session. The battery life is dependent on how long the baby cries during 

each session. This depends on the student’s attentiveness during the session. If a student puts 
the baby in another room and doesn’t hear it cry for a period of time, the strength of the battery is 
depleted, thus potentially ending the session.

Right before assigning the manikin to a student, turn the control box on and insert it in the body of 
the manikin (see page 2 for complete instructions on how to turn the manikin on). Give the manikin 
to the student and remind them to press the “Quiet” button when it cries and needs tending. 

Special Suggestion: When using the manikin within the school day setting, be sure to inform other 

faculty members about the Ready-or-Not Tot


 before assigning it to students. Other faculty members 

will be more cooperative if they are aware of the reasons for this educational activity, as well as the 
manikin’s operations. These faculty members can be an important ally to the success of this activity!

Tending to the Manikin

When the manikin begins to cry, the student should press the “Quiet” button. The manikin will 
immediately stop crying. After a 10-minute tending period, the manikin will start crying again. Pressing 
the “Quiet” button will again stop the crying and put the manikin back to sleep. The next cry will occur 
per the approximate scheduled times listed on page 2. 

Cleaning the Manikin

Ready-or-Not Tot


 is made of vinyl, which can be absorbent. It should not be set on printed materials 

of any kind (newspapers, magazines, etc.), as the inks can permanently stain the manikin.

To keep the manikin as clean as possible, we recommend that it remain dressed at all times. 
Newborn-size baby clothes and diapers will fit the manikin. Nasco does offer appropriate clothing 
and specialized diapers for Ready-or-Not Tot


 in the Family & Consumer Sciences catalog and on 

their website at eNasco.com/fcs.

To clean most smudges, wash with a damp, soapy washcloth and rinse. DO NOT IMMERSE THE 
MANIKIN IN WATER! When cleaning the manikin, be careful not to expose the control box to water. 
Always remove the control box from the manikin before cleaning. For stubborn stains, Nasco 
Cleaner (LF09919H) is recommended.

EXAMPLE: Student Response Sheet

Encourage students to indicate full hours on chart and record minutes between tending periods. 
Intervals continue to repeat at approximately 225, 90, and 140 minutes. In the example below,  


 indicates student entries.

Starting P


Turn manikin on 

at 9:50 am. First 

cry for student will 

be at 10:00 am. 

Record hours at 

top and minutes  

at bottom.










7 8



11 12




|- 60 -|------------ 230 -----------|--- 90 ----|------- 140 ------|--------- 230 ----------|--- 90 ----|------ 140 ------|

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Ready-Or-Not-Tot Basic • WA32125 • enasco.com/fcs

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Ready-or-Not Tot


Parental Consent Form

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

In order to provide students with a realistic idea of the demands of parenting, your child, 
____________________________, will be participating in a parenting simulation project as 
part of our _____________________________ class. This project involves caring for our 
lifelike, electronic, parenting manikin for a period of ______ day(s). The manikin cries 
periodically throughout the day and night. Your child will be responsible for providing 
proper care as if this were a real baby. The manikin should be with them at all times, except 
in emergency situations, when a reliable babysitter can be utilized.

In order for this to be a positive learning experience for your child, we ask your support in 
helping to monitor student participation while they are at home. Your insistence that they 
alone care for their manikin will help to impress upon them the tremendous demands that a 
baby places on a parent’s time, energy, and social life.

The Ready-or-Not Tot


 is an educational tool and not a toy. It is intended for use by children 

over 12 years of age.

We are fortunate to have been able to purchase these interactive parenting manikins. With 
proper care, they should last many years. Your child will be responsible for any damage 
that occurs as a result of abusive handling or for the loss of the manikin.

Thank you for your support during this valuable parenting simulation project. Please sign 
the permission slip below and have your child return it to their teacher by 
____/____/____. Please contact ___________________________ by phone (____-____-______) 
or e-mail (____________________) if you have any questions or concerns.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ready-or-Not Tot


 Permission Slip

I give my child, ______________________________, permission to participate in the 
interactive parenting simulation using the Ready-or-Not Tot


. I understand that my 

child is financially responsible for any damage due to abusive handling or for the 
loss of the educational simulator.

__________________________________________ ____________________
Parent/Guardian Signature 


Please Print Name Above

Warranty Information

Ready-or-Not Tot


 comes with a 12-month limited 

warranty. This product is warranted to be free from 
any defect in materials and/or workmanship for 
a period of 12 months from the date of original 
purchase. This limited warranty covers the ability 
of this product to function according to generally 
accepted training requirements in effect at the time 
of original purchase. This product will be repaired 
or replaced free of charge if it fails in normal use 
during the term of this limited warranty. This limited 
warranty does not include accessories, stains, 
cosmetic appearance, or normal replacement 
of disposable items. This limited warranty does 
not insure the physical appearance of your 
product, and is void due to unauthorized design 
modifications, improper usage, accident, or abuse. 
To receive warranty service on your manikin, 
contact your Ready-or-Not Tot


 distributor for 

additional information and return authorization.

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1/8/14   3:28 PM

Ready-Or-Not-Tot Basic • WA32125 • enasco.com/fcs

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Ready-or-Not Tot


Parental Consent Form

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

In order to provide students with a realistic idea of the demands of parenting, your child, 
____________________________, will be participating in a parenting simulation project as 
part of our _____________________________ class. This project involves caring for our 
lifelike, electronic, parenting manikin for a period of ______ day(s). The manikin cries 
periodically throughout the day and night. Your child will be responsible for providing 
proper care as if this were a real baby. The manikin should be with them at all times, except 
in emergency situations, when a reliable babysitter can be utilized.

In order for this to be a positive learning experience for your child, we ask your support in 
helping to monitor student participation while they are at home. Your insistence that they 
alone care for their manikin will help to impress upon them the tremendous demands that a 
baby places on a parent’s time, energy, and social life.

The Ready-or-Not Tot


 is an educational tool and not a toy. It is intended for use by children 

over 12 years of age.

We are fortunate to have been able to purchase these interactive parenting manikins. With 
proper care, they should last many years. Your child will be responsible for any damage 
that occurs as a result of abusive handling or for the loss of the manikin.

Thank you for your support during this valuable parenting simulation project. Please sign 
the permission slip below and have your child return it to their teacher by 
____/____/____. Please contact ___________________________ by phone (____-____-______) 
or e-mail (____________________) if you have any questions or concerns.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ready-or-Not Tot


 Permission Slip

I give my child, ______________________________, permission to participate in the 
interactive parenting simulation using the Ready-or-Not Tot


. I understand that my 

child is financially responsible for any damage due to abusive handling or for the 
loss of the educational simulator.

__________________________________________ ____________________
Parent/Guardian Signature 


Please Print Name Above

Warranty Information

Ready-or-Not Tot


 comes with a 12-month limited 

warranty. This product is warranted to be free from 
any defect in materials and/or workmanship for 
a period of 12 months from the date of original 
purchase. This limited warranty covers the ability 
of this product to function according to generally 
accepted training requirements in effect at the time 
of original purchase. This product will be repaired 
or replaced free of charge if it fails in normal use 
during the term of this limited warranty. This limited 
warranty does not include accessories, stains, 
cosmetic appearance, or normal replacement 
of disposable items. This limited warranty does 
not insure the physical appearance of your 
product, and is void due to unauthorized design 
modifications, improper usage, accident, or abuse. 
To receive warranty service on your manikin, 
contact your Ready-or-Not Tot


 distributor for 

additional information and return authorization.

NP 068_97_Basic/RV1_14.indd   6

1/8/14   3:28 PM

Ready-Or-Not-Tot Basic • WA32125 • enasco.com/fcs

background image



Before Giving the Manikin to Student

Insert fresh or fully charged batteries in the control box. 

NOTE: Even rechargeable batteries loose 

their ability to hold a charge after awhile. 

It is strongly recommended that high quality alkaline 

batteries (or fully charged batteries, if using rechargeable batteries) are placed in the unit at 

the beginning of every session. The battery life is dependent on how long the baby cries during 

each session. This depends on the student’s attentiveness during the session. If a student puts 
the baby in another room and doesn’t hear it cry for a period of time, the strength of the battery is 
depleted, thus potentially ending the session.

Right before assigning the manikin to a student, turn the control box on and insert it in the body of 
the manikin (see page 2 for complete instructions on how to turn the manikin on). Give the manikin 
to the student and remind them to press the “Quiet” button when it cries and needs tending. 

Special Suggestion: When using the manikin within the school day setting, be sure to inform other 

faculty members about the Ready-or-Not Tot


 before assigning it to students. Other faculty members 

will be more cooperative if they are aware of the reasons for this educational activity, as well as the 
manikin’s operations. These faculty members can be an important ally to the success of this activity!

Tending to the Manikin

When the manikin begins to cry, the student should press the “Quiet” button. The manikin will 
immediately stop crying. After a 10-minute tending period, the manikin will start crying again. Pressing 
the “Quiet” button will again stop the crying and put the manikin back to sleep. The next cry will occur 
per the approximate scheduled times listed on page 2. 

Cleaning the Manikin

Ready-or-Not Tot


 is made of vinyl, which can be absorbent. It should not be set on printed materials 

of any kind (newspapers, magazines, etc.), as the inks can permanently stain the manikin.

To keep the manikin as clean as possible, we recommend that it remain dressed at all times. 
Newborn-size baby clothes and diapers will fit the manikin. Nasco does offer appropriate clothing 
and specialized diapers for Ready-or-Not Tot


 in the Family & Consumer Sciences catalog and on 

their website at eNasco.com/fcs.

To clean most smudges, wash with a damp, soapy washcloth and rinse. DO NOT IMMERSE THE 
MANIKIN IN WATER! When cleaning the manikin, be careful not to expose the control box to water. 
Always remove the control box from the manikin before cleaning. For stubborn stains, Nasco 
Cleaner (LF09919H) is recommended.

EXAMPLE: Student Response Sheet

Encourage students to indicate full hours on chart and record minutes between tending periods. 
Intervals continue to repeat at approximately 225, 90, and 140 minutes. In the example below,  


 indicates student entries.

Starting P


Turn manikin on 

at 9:50 am. First 

cry for student will 

be at 10:00 am. 

Record hours at 

top and minutes  

at bottom.










7 8



11 12




|- 60 -|------------ 230 -----------|--- 90 ----|------- 140 ------|--------- 230 ----------|--- 90 ----|------ 140 ------|

NP 068_97_Basic/RV1_14.indd   5

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Ready-Or-Not-Tot Basic • WA32125 • enasco.com/fcs

background image

Figure 1

Figure 4

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 5





-Not T



 requires tending and will cry at various intervals. When the manikin cries, pres

the “Quiet” button on the control box. The manikin will cry again in 10 minutes to simulate a short 

“tending” or care time. P

ush the “Quiet” button again and the mankin will go to sleep.

To graph your time on the chart above, list the time that the manikin was turned on at the line marked 

“Starting P

oint.” Then, chart the first cry in each tending cycle and write the time when the “Quiet” 

button was pushed. Each line equals one hour

. Do not mark chart at the end of the tending cycle.




Starting Point

Starting Point

Starting Point

Name _________________________




The control box is powered by three "AA" alkaline 

Be careful when replacing the batteries 

to avoid damage to the control box. To insert the 
batteries, remove the control box from the manikin 
(Figure 1). With the control box removed, find the 
battery compartment door located on the back of 
the control box. Use a small screwdriver to remove 
the back (Figure 2). Install batteries, making sure the 
batteries are positioned correctly. Replace battery 
door (Figure 3) and reinsert control box into the 

When inserting the control box into the 

cavity in the back of the manikin, position the 

box so it touches the bottom of the cavity 

(Figure 4) — this will make it easier to remove the 
box from the top when necessary. If the unit is not 
going to be used for several days, the batteries 
should be removed. Store the Ready-or-Not Tot



without the batteries inserted.

Turning the Manikin On

Once the batteries have been installed, the manikin 
can be turned on. The on/off switch is hidden so 
students cannot turn the manikin off. 

Do not show 

students the location of the on/off switch. The hidden 
switch is designed to prevent students from shutting 
down the unit instead of completing the project.
To turn the manikin on, press the spot on the box 
marked “Nasco” and hold for two seconds (Figure 5). 
The power light will blink red and the manikin will cry. 
You will need to press the “quiet” button to stop the 
crying. The manikin will cry again 10 minutes later 
and you will need to press the “Quiet” button. To turn 
off, simply press the “Nasco” spot and hold for two 
to three seconds. When the power light is blinking, 
the manikin is set and will cry for the first time in 
each 10-minute tending period at approximately the 
following times:

Cry 1:

  70 minutes (first cry after manikin is turned on)

Cry 2:

  230 minutes

Cry 3:

  90 minutes

Cry 4:

  140 minutes

The schedule then repeats at 230-minute, 90-minute, and 140-minute 
intervals. There can be some flexibility in this schedule depending on when 
the student responds to the cry. Remember, the first cry will happen before 
you give the manikin to the student. The first time it cries for the student will 
be 10 minutes from when you turn it on and it will only have that one cry in 
the first tending period.

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1/8/14   3:28 PM

Ready-Or-Not-Tot Basic • WA32125 • enasco.com/fcs

background image

Parenting is Forever…

Having a baby and being a parent is a wonderful thing. We do not discourage 

that. The issue is at what point in your life do you want to become a parent? 

How would having a baby now affect your short and long term goals? How does 

becoming a teen parent alter your opportunities for furthering your education 

and fulfilling your career dreams? What about your social and emotional life? 

Would the time commitment involved in caring for a child change your growth 

and development as a person and affect your friendships? Do you want to be 

connected to your current partner for the rest of your life? What does it cost to 

care for a child during the first year? For 18 years? How would you support a 

child? A parenting simulation raises all these questions and more.

No matter what the educational philosophy of your program (abstinence only 

or educating teens to prepare for safe sex), the Nasco teen pregnancy simula-

tors will be of great assistance. These hands-on tools help teens experience the 

frustration and appreciate the patience required when caring for an infant. What-

ever your budget, we offer a full range of simulators to help bring your program 

to life.

Ready-or-Not Tot


 Tending Log

Name _________________________________ 


Teacher _________________________________

Class _________________________________ 


Date __________________      Page _________





What was I doing?

How was I feeling at the time?

2:30 pm

1st cry

Taking a math test.

I needed to concentrate on test.

6:30 pm

240 minutes

Just finished dinner.

I got out of dishes; it’s fun. 

9:30 pm

180 minutes


Frustrated. I need to sleep. Be quiet baby.

Enter your times and information below:

1st cry

*Each tending period lasts approximately 10 minutes and starts and stops with a cry. Record the time of the first cry only.

Other Comments (continue on back if more space is needed): 

NP 068_97_Basic/RV1_14.indd   2

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Ready-Or-Not-Tot Basic • WA32125 • enasco.com/fcs

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NP 068_97_Basic/RV1_14.indd   1

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Ready-Or-Not-Tot Basic • WA32125 • enasco.com/fcs