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NXP Semiconductors PN7150X User Manual

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User Manual PN7150X

Rev. 1.2 — 11 July 2018

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Document information




PN7150X, NFC, NFCC, NCI 1.0, Apple Enhanced Contactless Polling


This is a user manual for the PN7150X NFC Controller. The aim of this

document is to describe the PN7150X additions to the generic PN7150.


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© NXP B.V. 2018. All rights reserved.

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Rev. 1.2 — 11 July 2018



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Revision history




v. 1.2


Security status changed into "COMPANY PUBLIC"

v. 1.1


Rewording to avoid confusion

v. 1.0


First official release

v. 0.1


Creation of the document


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1 Introduction

The PN7150


 is a derivate of the PN7150 NFC controller for contactless communication

at 13.56 MHz. In addition to all features of the PN7150 it implements the support for

Apple Enhanced Contactless Polling.
The current document describes these additions to the PN7150 User Manual (see

Section 3


For further information please refer to the PN7150 data sheet (see 

Section 3


Please note that Apple and Apple Watch are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.


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2 Additions to PN7150



 implements all PN7150 features. On top of that it adds support for Apple

Enhanced Contactless Polling allowing to enable compatibility with Apple watch.

2.1 Apple Enhanced Contactless Polling support



 implements Apple Enhanced Contactless Polling inserting the VASUP-A

command right after Type A passive poll phase of the NFC Forum discovery loop.
PN7150 implements NFC-A Bail-out option (refer to NCI Forum Activity, 

Section 3


implying VASUP-A command being only sent out if no answer to the SENS_REQ is

The PN7150


 will ignore any response to the VASUP-A command and will continue with

the next phase of the polling loop.
Below picture describes PN7150


 behavior with respect to NFC Forum activity defined

Technology Detection Activity flow chart:

Figure 1. Updated Technology Detection Activity flow chart

As described in above flow chart, the Apple Enhanced Contactless Polling is only

handled when Type A polling is activated. When enabled, the VASUP-A command is

inserted approximately 780µs after the Type A initial request (SENS_REQ).


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2.2 Apple Enhanced Contactless Polling configuration

Apple Enhanced Contactless Polling enable and VASUP-A command configuration is

done through the ECP_PROTOCOL_CFG setting. Default value defines ECP disabled.

Table 1. ECP protocol configuration

Name & Rights


Ext. Tag


Default Value



Sets the detection level.
First byte defines the ECP enable (0x6A = enabled,

any other value = disabled).
Last 4 bytes define the VASUP-A command


0xA0 0x6B 5


2.3 Important considerations

The current implementation of Apple Watch requires special attention to the following

points when integrating PN7150


 into the counterpart device.

2.3.1 Discovery profile

Interroperability with Apple Watch can only be insured when PN7150


 Poll mode

discovery loop is set to NFC Forum profile. Indeed, if set in EMVCo profile, the PN7150


won't reset the RF field until it receives a valid response to the ALL_REQ or ALL_REQB

request which doesn't allow the Apple Watch to internally enable Type A card emulation

after it has seen VASUP-A command.
Discovery loop profile is configured through POLL_PROFILE_SEL_CFG setting

described in PN7150 User Manual (see 

Section 3

). The default value is NFC FORUM


2.3.2 Discovery loop frequency

To insure interroperability with Apple Watch, PN7150


 discovery loop must be set with

accurate frequency. This is done via NCI standard parameter TOTAL_DURATION

described in NFC Forum NCI specification (see 

Section 3


For correct user experience the recommendation is to set this parameter in the range of

250ms (4 POLL phases per seconds), PN7150 default value being 0x03E8 (1s).

2.3.3 Tag Detector

PN7150 integrates a Low Power Card Detector feature (also named Tag Detector)

allowing to optimize the power consumption by sensing for environment change to decide

if POLL phase of the discovery loop must be run. Considering current Apple Watch

implementation, this function must be disabled to allow the Apple Watch enabling internal

Type A card emulation after it has seen VASUP-A command.
PN7150 Tag Detector is configured through TAG_DETECTOR_CFG setting described in

PN7150 User Manual (see 

Section 3

). The default value is Tag detector disabled.


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3 References


— UM10936 - PN7150 User Manual



— PN7150


 product data sheet



— NFC FORUM Activity Specification 1.0




— NFC FORUM NFC Controller Interface (NCI) Specification 1.0




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4 Legal information

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Tab. 1.

ECP protocol configuration ............................... 5


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Fig. 1.

Updated Technology Detection Activity flow

chart .................................................................. 4


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Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)

described herein, have been included in section 'Legal information'.

© NXP B.V. 2018.

All rights reserved.

For more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.com

For sales office addresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@nxp.com

Date of release: 11 July 2018

Document identifier: UM11061

Document number: 433812



Introduction ......................................................... 3


Additions to PN7150 ...........................................4


Apple Enhanced Contactless Polling support .... 4


Apple  Enhanced  Contactless  Polling

configuration ...................................................... 5


Important considerations ................................... 5


Discovery profile ................................................ 5


Discovery loop frequency .................................. 5


Tag Detector ......................................................5


References ...........................................................6


Legal information ................................................7