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YB3i Mk1 Manual

Manual for YB3i Mk1 Devices 

Firmware Versions 1.1.0 and above 

Last update:  24th November 2014 


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Device Manual

Using the Device, the Basics


Orientation, Set-up and Key Features


User Interface 


Powering the Unit 

Features and Facilities


Operating Modes 

Tracking Options 

Alert Options 

Settings / General Options 

Advanced Options 

Device Maintenance


Replacing the Battery 


Fault Finding and Support



Helpdesk and Support Details 

Battery Life Expectations


Battery Life Expectations 


Warranty & Notices




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Device Manual

Using the Device, the Basics


This secFon outlines your device’s capabiliFes and describes how to uFlise them when in the field. 


Orienta2on, Set-up and Key Features


User Interface 

The RockFLEET has no user interface as such. The device is designed to be used in conjuncFon with 

the Connect app (available from the Google Play Store, or the Apple App Store) and either the YBlog 

system (for individual/consumer use) or the more comprehensive ‘Core’ management system (for 

corporate use). 

The behaviour of many features of your device, including the alert features, are configured by 

changing seZngs in the management system or via the app. 


Your unit is equipped with both Iridium & GPS antennas located on the top ‘domed’ part of your 

casing. For the best results it is important to be mindful of the orientaFon of your device when in 

use. To ensure good satellite signal, the antennae should be clear of obstrucFons and have a clear 

view of the sky. 

Examples of obstrucFons include a heavily wooded area or inside a vehicle or building. 

Environments such as these offer very li`le, if any, view of the sky. In these instances, it would be 

best to reposiFon your device so that it can have a clear view of the sky, such as in a clearing, on the 

dashboard or 



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Device Manual

rear window of a car or mounted on a pole or rail. 

Once switched ON, your device will try to obtain a GPS signal. The Fme taken to obtain a signal will 

vary from few minutes when the device has never been used or not been used for a while to few 

seconds when the device is regularly used. 

Powering the Unit 

The device is designed to a`ached to mains power for most of the Fme, via the cable. However, it 

does have an internal rechargeable ba`ery which is used should the unit lose power. Depending on 

how you have the device configured (tracking frequency etc) the ba`ery will last a variable amount 

of Fme. Please check the tables in the appendix for this data. 

To a`ach the unit to mains power, simply wire the posiFve and negaFve cores of the cable into your 

power supply. The unit will run on any voltage between 9v and 32v. It will draw a maximum of about 

700mA under normal operaFon. 

If you intend to fuse the circuit we would suggest fiZng a 2A fuse, which allows for extra power 

used by the GSM module (if you have that opFon installed). 

Depending on the model of device you have, you may have a 2-core, 4-core or 8-core cable. Wiring 

should be carried out as per the following: 

Standard 2-Wire 

Red: Live (9-32v DC) 

Black: Neutral (0v DC) 

NMEA 4-Wire 

Brown: Live (9-32v DC) 

White: Neutral (0v DC) 

Green: NMEA A (non-inverFng input) ( + ) 

Yellow: NMEA B (inverFng input) ( - ) 

Black: Screen/Ground 

Special 8-Wire 

Brown: Live (9-32v DC) 

White: Neutral (0v DC) 

Green: NMEA A (non-inverFng input) ( + ) 

Yellow: NMEA B (inverFng input) ( - ) 

Blue: Input A 

Pink: Input B 

Grey: Aux 

Black: Screen/Ground 



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Device Manual

Features and Facili2es 

OperaFng Modes 

Shipping Mode 

When the device is in shipping mode, all radios are turned off, including Bluetooth. In this mode, the 

Device will not transmit or receive any posiFon reports or messages. This is the equivalent of ‘Flight 

Mode’ and suitable for transport. 

You can acFvate the unit by applying power to the cable. A few seconds aher acFvaFon, the unit 

will beep quickly, and will then be acFvated and you should be able to connect to the device to 

configure using the Connect App. 


When turned on the device will automaFcally send posiFon reports and messages as per its current 


There is an LED indicator on the bo`om of the unit. The LED has the following indicator modes: 

• Intermi`ent green flash - running on external power 

• Intermi`ent red flash - running on ba`ery 

• Red/Green alternaFng - booFng up or updaFng firmware 

• Off - in shipping mode, stealth mode, or ba`ery has run out and no external power 

Configuring the features 

To access and configure all the features of your device, you need to use the Connect app. Download 

the Connect app from the Apple App Store, or the Google Play Store. 

You can obtain more details about the app, including a guide on how to use, from our website.


Tracking OpFons 

Status on/off 

Choosing this opFon allows you to turn the automaFc posiFon reporFng on or off. When turned on, 

the device will automaFcally obtain a GPS fix and transmit it at a set frequency (see below). 

Report Frequency 

Using this opFon the frequency of automaFc posiFon reporFng can be viewed and set. OpFons 

range from ‘ConFnuous’ which will obtain and send reports as quickly as possible, to 12-hours, 

allowing for 2 automaFc reports per day. There is also a BURST mode. 

Burst SeMngs 

Burst mode allows the device to collect many GPS reports, in order to get more accurate tracking 

informaFon, but to send them as a batch in order to keep airFme costs down. For example, the 

device can collect a GPS fix every 5 seconds, and then transmit those posiFons once per minute. 



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Device Manual

To set burst mode, in the Report Frequency you need to choose Burst. Then, in the Burst SeZngs 

menu you can choose how ohen you wish to take a fix (Burst fix) and how ohen you wish to 

transmit (Burst transmit). 

Note: This mode will use power more quickly than other tracking modes, since GPS is kept on all of the 


Although airFme costs are reduced using burst mode, depending on your seZngs you may use more 

than 1 credit per transmission. 1 credit will pay for up to 3 posiFons inside a single fix. So, for 

example, if you are taking a posiFon every 5 minutes, and transmiZng every 15 minutes (so 3 fixes 

transmi`ed), this will cost 1 credit per transmission. If you take a posiFon every 5 minutes, and 

transmit every 30 minutes (so 6 fixes transmi`ed), this would cost 2 credits per transmission. 

Ac9vity Sense 

Turning acFvity sense ON will mean that the tracker will switch between the normal ‘report 

frequency’ when staFonary, and transmiZng using the ‘burst seZngs’ when moving. 



AcFvity sense can be parFcularly useful if you want to transmit whilst you are moving, and then 

transmit at a much slower rate when you are not moving. For instance, tracking vehicles or aircrah. 

There are sensiFvity levels inside the AcFvity Sense menu which are useful to tweak when the 

device thinks it is ‘moving’ - this will depend on your exact situaFon, but we have found that seZng 

both opFons to ’24’ is a good start, and works for most situaFons. 

Alert OpFons 

Timer Alert 

This opFon allows you to set an alert message to be sent aher a pre-defined interval. This is useful if 

you would like to send an alert in the eventuality that you are not able to cancel the alert within a 

pre-defined Fme. Timers can be chosen between 5-minutes to 12-hours. 

Temperature Alert 

Should the temperature leave your defined range (e.g. 0 degrees to 40 degrees) then an automaFc 

alert will be sent. This opFon allows you to turn this alert type on/off and set the temperature over 

which the alert will be sent. 

Power Loss Alert 

If this opFon is turned on, should the unit lose external power then an automaFc alert will be sent. 

Geo-fence Alert 

This alert type allows you to set your current posiFon, then set a distance. Should the device leave 

the pre-defined circular area, an automaFc alert will be sent. 

Collision Alert 



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Device Manual

This alert is somewhat experimental in nature, as a ‘collision’ can vary in force and strength, and so 

every situaFon is different. This alert can be used to noFfy you of a given shock being applied to the 

device. There is a ‘threshold’ and a ‘duraFon’ seZng. The threshold sets how many G-forces will set 

off the alert, and the duraFon sets how long that force needs to be constantly applied for, before 

the alert is set. 

At its lowest seZngs, the alert will detect a simple ‘tap’ on the device. At the highest seZngs, it will 

not send an alert unFl a very strong impact is detected. 

We suggest you experiment with the seZngs, if this is of interest, to find what works in your 

parFcular situaFon. 

SeZngs / General OpFons 

PIN Code 

The default PIN is 1234. Here you can set a PIN code to access the device and configuraFon 

opFons using the app. 

GPS Wakeup 9me (Early Wakeup) 

By default the unit will wake up 20 seconds before the automaFc posiFon reporFng Fme, in order 

to obtain a GPS fix before transmission. In challenging condiFons, or where visibility of the sky is 

limited, it may be required to increase this wakeup Fme to allow the GPS more Fme to get a fix. 

OpFons range from 20 seconds to 3 minutes. By increasing this Fme, ba`ery life will be decreased. 

Send Config Report 

This menu opFon will prompt the device to send a configuraFon report detailing its current setup to 

our systems for support purposes. Your device will automaFcally do this every Fme it is acFvated, so 

you only really need to use this opFon if asked to by a support engineer. 



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Device Manual

Advanced OpFons 

The advanced opFons contain a number of features, dependent on your device model. These 

features are for advanced use only, and should only be adjusted under instrucFon from a member of 

support staff or following specific instrucFons. We will not be held responsible for any addiFonal 

charges incurred or problems caused if you adjust these seZngs without advisement. 

A few of the more important opFons in this category are: 

GPS Hot 

In some situaFons you may want to immediately mark a posiFon with a manual report whilst 

travelling at speed. In this sort of situaFon you want to be able to rely on an instant GPS fix when 

you fire a manual report. 

With GPS Hot turned ON, this means GPS is conFnually keeping track of your posiFon so there is 

no delay between the Fme you fire a manual report and the Fme the posiFon is marked. This mode 

will use power more quickly than other tracking modes, since GPS is kept on all of the Fme. 

Mail Checking 

This seZng can be used to force the device to check for new messages every X minutes. It is set by 

default to Off. 

WARNING: Be aware, inbox checking uses up credits just like normal posi9on reports. A normal 

tracking report also checks for new messages, so you DO NOT need both Tracking and Inbox 

Checking set to ON. You will use up twice as much credit if you have both items turned on. 



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Device Manual

Device Maintenance 

Replacing the Ba`ery 

Rechargeable ba`eries have a limited number of charge cycles and may eventually need to be 

replaced. The device ba`ery is not user replaceable; it can only be replaced by your device service 


Having said this, the ba`ery in the device should maintain its ability to charge to at least 90% of 

capacity through 1000 charge cycles. This means that if you charged the unit every day (unlikely) the 

ba`ery would need to be replaced every 3 years. If you charged the device once a week, it would 

need the ba`ery replacing once every 10 years. RealisFcally, you do not need to worry about this. 


To clean your Device, unplug all cables and turn off. Then use a soh, slightly damp cloth to clean any 


Do not use alcohol or abrasive substances to clean your device. 

Fault Finding and Support 


If something isn’t working correctly, you should first ensure the unit is powered, and any in the 

circuit are good. You can also do a hardware reset the device by swiping the reset magnet all the 

way around the outside edge of the unit. The unit will beep aher about 10 seconds, and will then be 


If neither of the above work, then please get in touch with the helpdesk, using the details below. 

Helpdesk and Support Details 

For assistance, please contact the Rock Seven support team by emailing support@rock7.com - it 

would greatly help us if you provided the following informaFon: 

• Name and contact number 

• Serial number of the Device (see serial number label) 

• Symptoms of the fault 

• History of acFon taken to a`empt to recFfy the fault 

Please remember that the more informaFon you can give us, the be`er we’ll be able to help you. A 

simple ‘it doesn’t work’ isn’t enough - please be as descripFve as you can, and we can then get you 

up and running again as quickly as possible. 



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Device Manual

Ba>ery Life Expecta2ons 

Ba`ery Life ExpectaFons 

Your device is designed to be run on mains power most of the Fme. However, it has an internal 

backup ba`ery which will be used in the absence of external power. These ba`ery life predicFons 

assume the following: 

• GPS Early-wake set to 20s 

• Clear sky condiFons 

As with all portable ba`ery powered devices, ba`ery life can be significantly shortened by extreme 

temperatures and some usage pa`erns. Key factors which will shorten the number of transmissions 

possible on a ba`ery charge are: 

• Use of GPS Hot Mode and Burst Mode 

• Poor posiFoning, so poor view of the sky (most likely!) 










5 minutes




15 minutes





30 minutes





1 hour





4 hour





8 hour







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Device Manual

Warranty & No2ces 


This device was designed, developed and manufactured in the United Kingdom by Rock Seven 

Mobile Services Limited (Rock Seven). 


A two-year warranty is provided with your device, starFng on the purchase date. This does not 

affect your statutory rights. The first year is a full parts and labour warranty, the second year is 

labour only. 

Should you encounter a problem with your device, we agree to remedy the defect either by repair or 

replacement (at our opFon). Please contact us directly in order to arrange this. An original receipt is 

required for any warranty claims. 

The warranty is void if: 

Any component has been subject to misuse or improper installaFon 

The casing of the unit has been opened or tampered with in any way 


• Apple is a trademark of Apple Computer Inc. 

• Android is a trademark of Google Inc. 

• Iridium and the Iridium logo are registered trademarks and service marks of Iridium 

CommunicaFons Inc. 

• Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respecFve owners. 

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. OperaFon is subject to 

the following two condiFons: 

1. this device may not cause harmful interference, and 

2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause 

undesired operaFon. 

© 2014 Rock Seven Mobile Services Limited, All Rights Reserved. ReproducFon in whole or part is 

not permi`ed without the express consent of Rock Seven Mobile Services Limited. Rock Seven does 

not accept liability for the contents of this user guide. Product improvements may alter the product 

specificaFons or operaFon without noFce.