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Foxx Smart Switch
This is a secure On/Off Power Switch for Europe. To run this device p ease connect it to your mains power supp y.
P u the device into a power out et and set your contro er into inc usion mode. If you are unsure how to do that p ease refer to your contro er"s
manua . Press the button on the bottom of the Smart Switch once to start the inc usion. The device wi now try to inc ude itse f into the Z-Wave
network. P ease refer to your contro er for a pro ress report.
What is Z-Wave?
Z-Wave is the internationa wire ess protoco for communication in the Smart Home. This device is suited for use in the re ion mentioned in the Quickstart
Z-Wave ensures a re iab e communication by reconfirmin every messa e ( two-way communication)
and every mains powered node can act as a repeater for other nodes (meshed network) in case the
receiver is not in direct wire ess ran e of the transmitter.
This device and every other certified Z-Wave device can be used together with any other certified Z-
Wave device regardless of brand and origin as on as both are suited for the same frequency
ran e.
If a device supports secure communication it wi communicate with other devices secure as on as
this device provides the same or a hi her eve of security. Otherwise it wi automatica y turn into a
ower eve of security to maintain backward compatibi ity.
For more information about Z-Wave techno o y, devices, white papers etc. p ease refer to
Product Description
The Foxx Smart Switch with power meterin feature is an inte i ent and most sophisticated, remote y contro ed out et adapter. This hi h y functiona wa
p u can be app ied wherever you want to contro e ectrica devices, whi e monitorin power consumption in a convenient and maintenance-free way.
Prepare for Installation / Reset
P ease read the user manua before insta in the product.
In order to inc ude (add) a Z-Wave device to a network it must be in factory default state. P ease make sure to reset the device into factory defau t. You
can do this by performin an Exc usion operation as described be ow in the manua . Every Z-Wave contro er is ab e to perform this operation however it is
recommended to use the primary contro er of the previous network to make sure the very device is exc uded proper y from this network.
Safety Warning for Mains Powered Devices
ATTENTION: on y authorized technicians under consideration of the country-specific insta ation uide ines/norms may do works with mains power. Prior to
the assemb y of the product, the vo ta e network has to be switched off and ensured a ainst re-switchin .
P u the device into the Wa Out et
On factory defau t the device does not be on to any Z-Wave network. The device needs to be added to an existing wireless network to communicate
with the devices of this network. This process is ca ed Inclusion.
Devices can a so be removed from a network. This process is ca ed Exclusion. Both processes are initiated by the primary contro er of the Z-Wave
network. This contro er is turned into exc usion respective inc usion mode. Inc usion and Exc usion is then performed doin a specia manua action ri ht
on the device.
Sin e c ick on the pro ram switch.
Sin e c ick on the pro ram switch.
Product Usage
After the Foxx Smart Switch has been inc uded into your Z-Wave network it can start contro in connected devices and monitorin the power consumption.
That way you a ways know how much power the connected device is usin and can switch it on or off as you see fit. You can define scenes in your
contro er"s settin s that a ow you to turn the switch on or off dependin on the confi ured condition. It is a so possib e to contro other devices in your
Network once your Smart Switch has chan ed.
Node Information Frame
The Node Information Frame (NIF) is the business card of a Z-Wave device. It contains information about the device type and the technica capabi ities.
The inc usion and exc usion of the device is confirmed by sendin out a Node Information Frame. Beside this it may be needed for certain network
operations to send out a Node Information Frame. To issue a NIF execute the fo owin action: Sin e c ick on the pro ram switch.
Quick trouble shooting
Here are a few hints for network insta ation if thin s dont work as expected.
1. Make sure a device is in factory reset state before inc udin . In doubt exc ude before inc ude.
2. If inc usion sti fai s, check if both devices use the same frequency.
3. Remove a dead devices from associations. Otherwise you wi see severe de ays.
4. Never use s eepin battery devices without a centra contro er.
5. Dont po FLIRS devices.
6. Make sure to have enou h mains powered device to benefit from the meshin
Association - one device controls an other device
Z-Wave devices contro other Z-Wave devices. The re ationship between one device contro in another device is ca ed association. In order to contro a
different device, the contro in device needs to maintain a ist of devices that wi receive contro in commands. These ists are ca ed association roups
and they are a ways re ated to certain events (e. . button pressed, sensor tri ers, ...). In case the event happens a devices stored in the respective
association roup wi receive the same wire ess command wire ess command, typica y a 'Basic Set' Command.
Association Groups:
Group Number
Maximum Nodes
Life ine
On Status Chan e
Technical Data
0.0540000x0.0780000x0.0750000 mm
110 r
Device Type
On/Off Power Switch
Generic Device Class
Binary Switch
Specific Device Class
Binary Power Switch
Firmware Version
Z-Wave Version
Z-Wave Product Id
Supported Command Classes
Switch Binary
Switch A
Scene Activation
Scene Actuator Conf
Crc 16 Encap
Association Grp Info
Zwavep us Info
Confi uration
Manufacturer Specific
Power eve
Firmware Update Md
Device Reset Loca y
Controlled Command Classes
Device Reset Loca y
Explanation of Z-Wave specific terms
Controller — is a Z-Wave device with capabi ities to mana e the network. Contro ers are typica y Gateways,Remote Contro s or battery operated
wa contro ers.
Slave — is a Z-Wave device without capabi ities to mana e the network. S aves can be sensors, actuators and even remote contro s.
Primary Controller — is the centra or anizer of the network. It must be a contro er. There can be on y one primary contro er in a Z-Wave network.
Inclusion — is the process of addin new Z-Wave devices into a network.
Exclusion — is the process of removin Z-Wave devices from the network.
Association — is a contro re ationship between a contro in device and a contro ed device.
Wakeup Notification — is a specia wire ess messa e issued by a Z-Wave device to announces that is ab e to communicate.
Node Information Frame — is a specia wire ess messa e issued by a Z-Wave device to announce its capabi ities and functions.
. The product content is maintained by
, Supportteam, support@zwave.eu. Last update of the product data: 2016-11-29